I ride horses,train my dog Momo, and go to Hill Elementry.I am 10 years old and live in Austin Texas.(I'm still there!) My parents are devorced. (boooooo)I'm half french.It's fun to speak french! I don't know much though.I have 2 houses.At 1 house I have a blackk + white cat named Matisse.(we're training him to go on a leash)And at the other I have a spoiled black poodle named Momo,a black cat named Rex,and a fluffy black cat named Comet.(He is very hard to find)

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Icopods p.s.DANGER mini chapter Berry's point of view HOW IT STARTED

Hello fellow armantaquods!(arm-ant-u-cwods)What, you don't know hwo we are?!Oh y-y-you a-are a-a human.Well,um,we are,um,ahem,icopods,rolly polliies,pillbugs whatever you HUMANS call us.That's what we are.Anyway, I am a messenger of the armantaquods of North America.Well, this is how this story started.But one more thing...PLEASE DON'T confuse me with others hwo spread the messages! okay,here I go.
It all started when I had just come back from my friend Night's house.I went home to my rock, went under it and just as I was right in front of the tunnel that would lead me home to my colony and I could report all is clear for now... the rock lifted up.this was not normal.I got a glimpse of a HUGE, pale creature with a hand the size of 20 armantaquods.i dashed in the tunnel! The creature reached for me! I barely escaped.I heared a stick thrashing the dirt.she was destroying the tunnel!She droped the rock with a resounding thud.i got home,and reported to everyone...'p.s. DANGER, HUGW,pale creatures with hands the size of 20 of us are trying to capture us.I think they are called "humans"They might be trying to eat us or feed us to a snake or something.Be careful when spreading the message." And that's how it started...


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